Lehi preaching unto the people. Taken from http://www.lds.org/hf/art/display/1,16842,4218-1-3-13,00.html
Lehi was a prophet who lived around the same time as the Old Testament Prophet Jeremiah, approximately 600 B.C. (1 Nephi 7:14). He, like Jeremiah, was called by God to preach repentance unto the people (1 Nephi 1:18). The people were angry with him and sought to take away his life (1 Nephi 1:19 - 20). Lehi was warned of this in a dream, and he and his family escaped Jerusalem before these wicked men could carry out their plans (1 Nephi 2:2 - 4). The Lord helped Lehi and his family on their journey through the wilderness, where they eventually built a ship and cross the great waters to the land that was promised them.
Lehi taught his wife and children many important things during their travels. His vision of the tree of life for example, teaches us about the love of God and what we must do to be able to feel this love in our lives (1 Nephi 8). But the most important thing he taught was that the Saviour of the world was going to come. The following scriptures contain Lehi's testimony of the coming of the Son of God.....
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